Post by 1stDownStorm on Dec 16, 2007 3:08:20 GMT -5
He may be a Yankee fan, but he's a Yankee fan that doesn't even know how to spell A-Rod's last name. It's Rodriguez.
Post by Standard Deviation on Dec 16, 2007 5:15:37 GMT -5
It never ceases to amaze me how many English Professors there are on message boards. Lighten up Francis.
Post by mississippimudcat1 on Dec 16, 2007 11:11:32 GMT -5
He may be a Yankee fan, but he's a Yankee fan that doesn't even know how to spell A-Rod's last name. It's Rodriguez. sRRy perfosser-miNes baDs doin'. Everyone screws up every once and a while.
Post by mississippimudcat1 on Dec 16, 2007 11:19:47 GMT -5
Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! :smileymudcats: :smileymudcats: :smileymudcats:
Post by theherohimself on Dec 16, 2007 15:53:28 GMT -5
good job mississippimudcat... it is true that you southeners don't need to know proper english... JK... heck, my motto is "I don't speak any english, I speak American!"
Post by Standard Deviation on Dec 16, 2007 16:13:14 GMT -5
good job mississippimudcat... it is true that you southeners don't need to know proper english... JK... heck, my motto is "I don't speak any english, I speak American!" Werd Yo! (I speak american with an Ebonics drawl)
Post by theherohimself on Dec 16, 2007 16:28:24 GMT -5
ebonics drawl??? when I think of drawl i think of the south... and ebonics, well, ok now I get it as I type it out... mine is a ex-southern gone city slicker who wishes he was upper class accent... now does that make any sense to you... oh yeah, I also speak Snoop Dog. Ya dig it, fo rizzle off da shizzle
Post by mississippimudcat1 on Dec 16, 2007 20:09:15 GMT -5
ebonics drawl??? when I think of drawl i think of the south... and ebonics, well, ok now I get it as I type it out... mine is a ex-southern gone city slicker who wishes he was upper class accent... now does that make any sense to you... oh yeah, I also speak Snoop Dog. Ya dig it, fo rizzle off da shizzle LOL! :smileymudcats: :smileymudcats: :smileymudcats:
Post by 1stDownStorm on Dec 16, 2007 20:35:35 GMT -5
Sorry, I just think as a sports fan you are obligated to know how to correctly spell the name of the highest paid player on your favorite sports teams. If that somehow makes me an English professor, I apologize. My intent was not to teach but rather to question your fanhood.
Post by Standard Deviation on Dec 16, 2007 20:46:48 GMT -5
Sorry, I just think as a sports fan you are obligated to know how to correctly spell the name of the highest paid player on your favorite sports teams. If that somehow makes me an English professor, I apologize. My intent was not to teach but rather to question your fanhood. I got one word for you; "TYPO". Just because someone doesnt spell a name correctly doesnt make them a bad fan. Just think of the poor fans of Manu Tsuiososopo. Or even Ben Roethlisberger. Anyone can spell Roger Clements. S-T-E-R-O-I-D-S. See, That was easy.
Post by 1stDownStorm on Dec 16, 2007 20:53:20 GMT -5
Ok, scnie mspisipssi mdauct dideced to povride taht nfity eplxame, hree's my trohey: taht mssegae is icorrncet and slplenig deos iedned mtarte at laset swhemoat. Bcsaeue atfer all, tehre is a roeasn taht gmmraar and ckinhecg for mekistas are so vusoiuoglry phrecead by taerches asrcos the cturony.
Post by theherohimself on Dec 17, 2007 15:59:34 GMT -5
to a point anyway... but spelling matters in some cases, as does grammar. If you doctor said, "Now there, is your head hurtin' or is you spinning around?" you would leave. But if my wrestling coach said that, I would be fine with it. Just depends I guess
Post by Standard Deviation on Dec 17, 2007 17:31:50 GMT -5
I fI were taking my MSAT's, LSAT's or an English exam I would be concerned with spelling and grammar. This is a message board where people use ttyl, imo, lol and stfu. It annoys me when people decide to use grammar and spelling as an indictment on a person knowledge of sports or commitment as a fan. That is usually done by posters who have lost their argument to facts and statistics and decide to defame a persons character and intellect. Its cheap and a cop out. Again, lighten up Francis. PS - you didnt bother to bash TheHero when he spelled Mitchel(l) wrong thus losing consistancy points
Post by mississippimudcat1 on Dec 17, 2007 19:17:04 GMT -5
Sorry, I just think as a sports fan you are obligated to know how to correctly spell the name of the highest paid player on your favorite sports teams. If that somehow makes me an English professor, I apologize. My intent was not to teach but rather to question your fanhood. Hey, I get what you were getting at but it was a typo. My finger slipped and i saw q and thought it was a g. I just put that message with all the mispelling to be funny. So I was just joshin' with you. And yes spelling is important-if I write like that on my upcoming English exam I will fail-LOL. But I will say that when ever I see a typo on someone's post I just ignore it. :smileymudcats: :smileymudcats: :smileymudcats:
Post by 1stDownStorm on Dec 17, 2007 21:09:04 GMT -5
My mistake, I assumed you thought that was how it is spelled. I would have said the same thing to a Patriots fan who typed Tom Braidie. I honestly couldn't care less about people's grammar or spelling on here or on any message board. And yes TurfBurn, I was losing the argument so I instead chose to defame the character and intellect of MM1?